Pharmacy - Chemistry

Industrial computing for the Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry

The Chemistry and Life Sciences (Pharmacy, Biotechnology, etc.) sectors require complex industrial IT solutions that meet current security requirements and standards. Your requirements have prompted us to work on specific areas of development.

IPO Technologie helps you respond to the major themes that govern your sector

These activities require complex industrial IT solutions that meet the security requirements and standards in force.

  • Productivity

    The key word here is efficiency, we provide you with stable, reliable and long-lasting solutions that will be able to evolve without degrading in order to improve your performance.

  • Performance

    On the lookout for the latest technologies, your thirst for progress is inexhaustible, it drives us to present solutions benefiting from the latest technical advances (software, card, screen, connectivity, etc.)

  • Regulations

    More than a legislative framework, it is an essential imperative for the development of this sector and a public health priority. Our company is ISO 9001 certified, we have solutions in 316L stainless steel, waterproof IP69 – IP66… to meet mandatory and rigorous controls and ensure consumer safety.

  • Support

    We support you well after the delivery of the equipment to help you throughout the life of our products and solutions (software updates, after-sales service, hotline, substitute products, etc.). After-sales support in France – Support with online follow-up.​


Products that adapt to your needs…

Our product ranges related to Pharmacy - Chemistry

Stainless steel Panel PC - Waterproof IP69/IP66/IP65 - Stainless steel box - Built-in stainless steel front …